Changing to cloth nappies late in the game - Part 1
When did you start using cloth nappies? Typically you hear of families starting to use cloth nappies within the first 12 weeks. But what if you didn’t know about cloth nappies then? What if the cloth nappies you had simply didn’t work effectively? What if you thought cloth was too hard? You aren’t alone! We have many families at Bubblebubs that started using cloth nappies after their child’s first birthday and they haven’t looked back!
Cloth nappies made from inferior materials or being too complicated is often a reason families all too quickly give up on modern cloth nappies. Sara started using reusable nappies on her last baby at 18 months. She wanted to use cloth nappies with her older children, however the nappies she had always leaked. Feeling unsupported she gave up until her sister gave her a pack of quality modern cloth nappies and with her support and knowledge, enabled Sara to successfully use cloth nappies on her son. She quickly transitioned her son into full-time cloth and was surprised how easy it was.
Without research and friends for support, it can be easy to assume cloth nappies are simply too hard. These thoughts had crossed Molly’s mind when she attempted to use cloth initially and then gave up due to poor quality nappies that leaked. After a good friend did some research and shared what she found, Molly was able to identify a range of the best cloth nappies in Australia to try. With an 18-month-old at the time, she decided to dive cold turkey into full-time cloth, including night nappies. Molly has since fallen in love with cloth nappies would never go back to disposables. And being too hard? She loves doing the washing and folding because she finds cloth way easier and less messy than disposables!
With a husband that was hooked, yet intimidated by reusable nappies, Renee was torn on changing to cloth. However, after constant encouragement from friends already using cloth and her husband keen on the idea of saving money, Renee ran out of excuses to not at least try. Once she had enough nappies to use full time on her then 20 month old and newborn, she soon became obsessed with the adorable patterns and how much more effective reusable nappies were compared to disposables. Making the switch to cloth nappies wasn’t the only area Renee’s family made changes in, changing over to using cloth wipes was something Renee decided was worth doing too, both for financial reasons and being more effective than disposable wipes.
So don’t be shy to start using cloth nappies later than ‘normal’. It’s totally achievable! Both Bubblebubs and our wonderful community of cloth using families will support you. The ideal nappy to begin your cloth journey with are Bubblebubs Candies. Our Candies are a multi-award-winning nappy that are simple to use and wash. With only two snaps on each hip to fit, they are the ultimate easy to fit modern cloth nappy. Candies are a one size fits most cloth nappy fitting from 4-15kg and come in a range of colours and patterns that any toddler would approve of!
- Keryn