How to put a Bambam cloth nappy on a 5kg 11week old baby

Brook is back again this time showing us if his bum looks big in Bambam's at 11 week 5kg. I am sure he will remember this when he is older. If not lucky we videoed it for him.

Transcription: How to put a Bambam cloth nappy on a 5kg 11week old baby

Hi, it's Vicki from Bubblebubs, and I'm back with baby Brock. He's reached about five kilos now and is almost 11 weeks old so what I'd like to do is show you how the Bambam fits on him now because we do get some babies that come out this size. 

So the Bambam comes in two pieces as we know, which has reached our little trifold that we fold into three and our outer piece here. So what we're going to do is we're going to pop this on Brock like that and bring it up. Now, as we bring this up, we've still got quite a bit of fabric there, so even a bit of a fold down and as we bring the wings over, they're not going to go over any more and if you wanted to, you could actually fold underneath as there's only a little bit of fabric now that we want to fold. 

Or if you wanted to, you could not fold it all, and then we can fold it over the top of this nappy which I'll do before we pop the cover on, so I'm just going to snappy that up like that, and then we can just fold that down like that as it's kind of a little bit in between whether we're folding that or not. So, with our newborn cover. So I have actually brought a small coverup, and I'll show you why we don't recommend sizing up on our covers because I'm pretty sure, not that I've tested it, but I'm pretty sure it will be absolutely massive on him so what we're going to do is show you how the newborn cover is fitting on him, because he's only five kilos, so these well and honestly go up to your seven, eight kilos. 

As you can see, we're still going to get quite a bit of overlap there, so there's still heaps of room on that cover. What I'll do, is I'll grab the small cover here, oops. As you can see the little cover is quite a bit bigger than the newborn. So what I'm doing is, every time I open up the cover, I fold the Velcro down on the laundry tab straight away, that way it's not going to catch on anything. 

So if we try to put this small cover over the Bambam at this small weight, we're going to struggle to get a decent fit, as you can see. That's super loose there, and I don't think I'm going to be able to get that done up any tighter, so you can see it's loose there. It's loose around the waist as well, so the way we've designed our covers is to be roomy in the bottom because of the Bambams last until the eight-kilo mark. We want to make sure that the covers are lasting as well so I wouldn't be sizing up, even if you have to boost this for overnight, I wouldn't be sizing up to the small cover just yet, not at five kilos. 


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